MATLAB: Save a toolbox to be directly accessible to Matlab


I have a toolbox and I want that MATLAB automatically access to it.
How can I do? Do I have to save it in a particular folder?
Thanks in advance,

Best Answer

Assuming that you are try this on Windows, you may refer to this link
As mentioned in the link:
"Valid add-on installation files include .mltbx files (for toolboxes), .mlappinstall files (for apps), and .mlpkginstall files (for hardware support packages). To install an add-on from one of these files, in the MATLAB Current Folder browser, double-click the file. An installer opens to guide you through the installation process."
Also the file has to be in the MATLAB Current folder.
When you install the toolbox from a .mltbx file, you do not need to be concerned with the MATLAB path or other installation details.
Hope this helps.
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