MATLAB: Running matlab exe code on ubunto in raspbery pi 2

exematlab coderraspberry piubunto

hello every body i want to make an .exe code with matlab then i want to program and execute my own .exe file on ubunto in raspberry pi seperately.
indeed i would like to eliminate mini pc and use cheap and small raspberry pi instead of mini pc. lack of windows operating system on raspberry pi makes the first problem in my way so i shall make .exe file from my program in matlab then i will program and execute it with ubunto in raspbbery pi 2.
is my method practical???which steps must i perform???any opinion for my idea???

Best Answer

.exe are created by MATLAB Compiler to run on x86 or x64 processors under OS-X, Linux, or MS Windows. There is no chance of getting them working on the Raspberry.
You would need MATLAB Coder to generate C code that could be compiled for the Raspberry.