MATLAB: Problem while running SIMULINK on Raspbery Pi B+using Matlab 2014a

codertargetEmbedded CoderMATLABmatlab 2014raspberry pi b+simulink

Hi all, I have followed the steps provided by mathwork and everything is file in connection. But when I tried to open simulink example I get the erorrs
>> raspberrypi_inversion Warning: Undefined variable "codertarget" or class "codertarget.updateExtension". Warning: Detected 1 error(s) in Simulink.ConfigSet.getDialogSchema: Undefined variable "Simulink" or class "Simulink.sta.FeatureControl.getFeature".
And when I click on tool–>Run on Target Hardware—> Option it gives following error:
Warning: Detected 1 error(s) in Simulink.ConfigSet.getDialogSchema: Undefined variable "Simulink" or class "Simulink.sta.FeatureControl.getFeature".
Cannot create config set dialog >>
I am unable to resolve this please help me out what is missing and how to resolve.

Best Answer

Sounds like a path issue:
which Simulink.sta.FeatureControl.getFeature
Should return something like
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014b\toolbox\simulink\sta\ui\+Simulink\+sta\@FeatureControl\FeatureControl.p % static method or package function
Try running the following:
rehash toolboxcache
This should resolve it.