MATLAB: Run simulation 1000 times

for loopif-statementssimulation

This code I made is a simulation that finds the the total profit(yearprofit) from trading a product
Q= 240 + 9*randn(250,1);
for k = 1:length(Q)
if Q(k) < 240
buy = Q(k)*100 + 150;
elseif Q(k) > 245
sell = Q(k)*100 - 150;
buy = 0;
elseif buy > 0
P(k) = sell - buy;
yearprofit = sum(P);
This finds the profit for 1 year, how do I make the simulation run 1000 times giving me 1000 different values to resemble 1000 years? Do I have to use another for-loop around it?

Best Answer

Yes. Use an outer for loop. E.g.,
n = 1000;
result = zeros(n,1);
for k=1:n
% your code
result(k) = whatever you want to save from your code