MATLAB: Run scripts with a script


Hello guys,
I tried to write a scipt (i call it "central"), where i can run other scripts in subfolders.
% "central"
Matlab shows me this warning and stop running:
Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory: C:\Users\Desktop\IFP\Varianten\2019-11-08 1 1 XLSX
> In path (line 109)
In addpath (line 86)
In TPA_V7_1 (line 15)
In central (line 4)
My scripts in the subfolders try to open Excelfiles. When i run the script in the subfolders in their location, they run without problems.
When i try to run with "central" to run this scripts, it dont work and addpath doesnt work too.

Best Answer

genpath is a big hammer. Are you certain you actually need to use it?
Looking at the message you received:
Warning: Name is nonexistent or not a directory: C:\Users\Desktop\IFP\Varianten\2019-11-08 1 1 XLSX
> In path (line 109)
In addpath (line 86)
In TPA_V7_1 (line 15)
In central (line 4)
you've added the path inside central but then you're adding more directories to the path in TPA_V7_1. I'd be concerned that it would be difficult if not impossible for a human to be certain exactly which version of a script or function is being executed inside TPA_V7_1.
But anyway, the path you used in your genpath call in central is:
In your addpath call inside TPA_V7_1, should there be the word "Ajith" between "Users" and "Desktop"?