MATLAB: Which file Matlab selects if two different files with the same name are put under two folders, which are both added via addpath


I have two functions with the same name. The contents of the functions are different although they share the same type of input and output. I put two functions (.m files) in 2 different folders and I add to Matlab path by calling addpath(genpath(folder_location)).
If I call this function, how does Matlab determine which m file to call? It seems to me that different Matlab versions handle differently. However, the way Matlab does is also not very clear. I am looking for the information for 2015a and 2017a.

Best Answer

This is a known issue with addpath function in MATLAB R2017a and R2017b. This got fixed in R2018a. It is recommended to update the MATLAB version.
As a workaround for this issue is to remove the path and then add. This results in adding the path at top.
% Perform the required operations
% You can use restoredefaultpath command to set the path to default
addpath('subfolder1') % This will add the path on top again