MATLAB: Run parallel job using different os workers MATLAB Distributed Computing Server

distributed job cancelledMATLAB Parallel Server

I have got this error message:
Caused by:
Error using distcomp.interactiveclient/pGetSockets>iThrowIfBadParallelJobStatus (line 105)
The interactive parallel job errored with the following message:
The job was cancelled because there are not enough workers of the same OS and architecture to run a parallel job.
Your NumWorkersRange is [16 16], but the number of qualified workers is 8.
how can fix it
Is it possible to use workers in different system to run one parallel job? thnx

Best Answer

It is possible to use workers on different systems to run one parallel job, but only (it appears) if they are the same OS and architecture.
You asked for 16 workers but DCS can only find 8 the same as your system.
Is there a way to run parallel over systems that have different OS? I do not know; there would be some subtle issues introduced if you did, as the numeric processing can be different between different OS. You would lose an edge of consistency at the very least.