MATLAB: Row and column lsim error

dynamic systemlsim

clear all close all clc
A = [0 1;0 0]; B2 = [0; 64013000]; Cc = [-10.588174398921385 -0.318818010164237]; Bc = [2.409919108480979e3 ; 4.696699700129756e2]; C2 = [1 0]; Ac = [-2.409587000245264e3 1.000000016273038 ; -6.777812774681246e8 -2.040849728464332e7];
B1 = [0 0;1 0]; D21 = [0,1];
C1 = [1 0; 0 0]; D12 = [0; 0.1];
Acl = [A B2*Cc ; Bc*C2 Ac]; Bcl = [B1 ; Bc*D21]; Ccl = [C1 D12*Cc]; Dcl = zeros(2,2);
clsys = ss(Acl, Bcl, Ccl, Dcl);
t = 0:0.01:10; A = 1; f = 1000; q = A*sin(f*t);
z = lsim(clsys, q, t);
figure(1) plot (t, q(1,:),'b', t, z(:,1),'r')
figure(2) plot (t, z(:,2))
omega = logspace(-2, 4, 5000); [mag, phase] = bode(clsys,omega); mag1 = reshape(mag(1,1,:),1,5000); figure(3) semilogx(omega, 20*log10(mag1))
Does the problem lies with how I tried to generate my sin wave?
The error message was: "When simulating the response to a specific input signal, the input data U must be a matrix with as many rows as samples in the time vector T, and as many columns as input channels"

Best Answer

Hello Raymond, the system has two inputs, therefore the input signal needs to be a 2-by-n vector. Use, e.g.
t = 0:0.01:10;
A = [1 2];
f = 1000;
q = A'*sin(f*t);