MATLAB: Right display of error!


I have two variables in my .m file, which calculates- "possible_hrs" and "diff". The error is thrown if the required hours > possible hours.
error('For this Regular working shift, the maximum working time for a ONE-GO step is ',possible_hrs,'hours.', ...
'Please decrease Step Duration weather by' ,diff, ' hours or increase the working hours');
But the MATLAB gives me a warning- "The Format String might not agree with the argument count".
And finally it is not displayed correctly also (in the situation of error). What could be the solution?

Best Answer

After I read the Matlab help I think this should work:
error('For this Regular working shift, the maximum working time for a ONE-GO step is %d hours. Please decrease Step Duration weather by %d hours or increase the working hours', possible_hrs, diff);
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