MATLAB: Monts in year sequence, string, matrix

MATLABmonts year sequence string matrix

I have a series of 365 days. I need to divide the elements of the array into months with 31, 28, 31, 30 .. days and add the values ​​for the months.
The result should be a series of 12 months with aggregated values ​​for each month.
can i have a reshape function?

Best Answer

Convert to a timeseries() object and use retime()
Data = rand(365,1);
Data_timestamp = datetime(2021, 1, 1:365).'; %use non-leap year !
month_totals = accumarray(month(Data_timestamp), Data)
month_totals = 12×1
17.6917 12.5502 14.1349 17.2993 14.2127 17.4742 16.3479 14.0845 13.4153 15.4119