MATLAB: Reversing the order of EVEN rows in an array


I have a matrix D that consists of 12 cols and 8 rows.
How can I reverse the order of even rows.
i.e. for a simplifeid 4,3 case
>> d=rand(4,3)
d =
0.1067 0.8173 0.2599
0.9619 0.8687 0.8001
0.0046 0.0844 0.4314
0.7749 0.3998 0.9106
I want it to appear as:
d =
0.1067 0.8173 0.2599
0.8001 0.8687 0.9619
0.0046 0.0844 0.4314
0.9106 0.3998 0.7749

Best Answer

d(2:2:end, :) = fliplr(d(2:2:end, :));