MATLAB: In a randomly generated matrix how to find the position(row and column) of an element by using its value

MATLABmatrix array

Ive created a 5×5 matrix using the rand() function
0.4427 0.8173 0.8001 0.1455 0.1450
0.1067 0.8687 0.4314 0.1361 0.8530
0.9619 0.0844 0.9106 0.8693 0.6221
0.0046 0.3998 0.1818 0.5797 0.3510
0.7749 0.2599 0.2638 0.5499 0.5132
after i enter the above code for finding the position of that particular element, the output becomes " 0x1 empty double column vector "
Im literally a newbie to matlab software so kindly help me

Best Answer

Your matrix has floating point cannot get the value you want using like that. You should use:
tol = 10^-5 ; % tolerance
B = find(abs(A-0.0844)<tol)