MATLAB: Reverse calculate a table of values


I'm looking for a way to determine the Y axis from a given Z value in a 3D table. Basically reverse interpolate the table.
Is there a way to determine it?
X/Y 0 100 175 250 325 400 475 575
60 0 5 13 21 29 40 51 68
80 0 7 16 24 32 40 49 63
90 0 7 16 25 34 42 49 61
100 0 6 15 25 33 41 49 59
110 0 6 15 23 32 40 48 58
120 0 5 14 22 30 38 47 57
130 0 5 13 21 29 37 45 56
140 0 5 13 21 29 37 44 55
150 0 4 12 21 29 37 44 54
160 0 3 12 20 29 37 44 53
Say, Z = 45, X = 125, Y = ?
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

I am not certain what a ‘3D table’ is. Perhaps you intend a three column table or array.
If that is true, then the interp1 function could be appropriate.
The code for that, assuming ‘Y’ and ‘Z’ are vectors, would be:
Yi - interp1(Z, Y, Zi);
and ‘Zi’ is the scalar or vector you want to find the ‘Yi’ values for.