MATLAB: Retrieving names of all Configuration sets in the base workspace

base worksacesimulink.configset

Hi, I currently have 2 configuration sets stored in my Base workspace, which are being referenced by a model and reference models. By using the command
myConfigObjNames = getConfigSets(gcs);
I can retrieve the name of the configuration reference, rather than the names of the configuration set. I am hoping to retrieve an array of strings (each configset in base workspace) so that I can produce a command like
comargs = 'Configurationsets.Mat ';
numargs = size(myConfigObjNames,1);
for n = 1 :numargs
comargs = fullfile(comargs,', ',myConfigObjNames[n]);
The above is an example and probably buggy.
but I don't know how to pull the data from the base workspace to fill the original array any ideas?

Best Answer

This has been solved now, for anyone with a similar problem
% Find all config sets
myvars = whos;
cslist = {};
%for length of veriable list check veriable class,
%if equal to configuration set append to cslist
for i=1:length(myvars)
if ~isempty(regexp(myvars(i).class,'Simulink\.ConfigSet','once'))
cslist{end+1}=myvars(i).name; %#ok
%user interface to select folder
Pathname = uigetdir(' ', 'Choose a Folder to write to');
%build command
Pathname = fullfile(Pathname, 'ConfigurationSets.mat');
comargs = sprintf('save %s', Pathname);
%Add all arguments to the command
numargs = size(cslist,2);
for n = 1 :numargs
comargs = sprintf('%s %s',comargs,cslist{n});
%Run the command
%Clean up
clear cslist i n myvars Pathname comargs numargs