MATLAB: Declare variables from Matlab function workspace to Simulink worskpace


I have a MATLAB script that call a Matlan function.
In this Matlab function, I compute some matrix and then I run a Simulink Simulation.
Obvioulsy, the variable computed inside the function are indipendent from the base workspace and for this reason Simulink model "don't see" these matrix.
How is possible to calculate the matrix inside this Matlab function and then "send" it into Simulink model?

Best Answer

At the end I found the solution to "send" the variables from the function workspace to the simulink workspace.
GenericArray = [1 2 3]; % Same name must be used in Simulink model
hws = get_param(ModelName,'modelworkspace'); % Handle the model's workspace
hws.DataSource = 'MAT-File';
hws.FileName = 'workspace';
hws.assignin('GenericArray', GenericArray); % Send variable