MATLAB: Reshape hourly mean values with missing data/ non-uniform data

hourly meanmatrixreshape

Hi, I could get the hourly averages from minute interval data, using unique and accumarray functions.
I would like to arrange the averaged values in a matrix but there might be some data (hours) missing.
For e.g. my output matrix should look like:
yy mm dd hr1 hr2 hr3 ... 0 0 0 hr20 ... 0
yy mm dd 0 0 0 ... hr10 ..... 0 0 hr24
Is there a way to identify the missing hours data and put zeros there and to create this matrix…!
Thank you.

Best Answer

Supposing that T is a vector of datenum for each reading (the timestamp) and D is the corresponding value, then
dv = datevec(T);
days = datenum([dv(:,1), dv(:,2), dv(:,3)]);
[unique_days, uidxa, uidxc] = unique(days);
hours = dv(:,4);
summary_data = accumarray( [uidxc, hours+1], D(:), [], @mean);
summary_table = [dv(uidxa,1:3), summary_data];