MATLAB: Replacing every columns of nan with the mean of each columns


Hi all, i want to replace every columns of nan with the mean of each columns and i used the following code
median1 = nanmean(combinedatamat)
[rows, columns] = size(combinedatamat);
n = 0 ;
for col = 1 : columns
n = n + 1;
combinedatamat(isnan(combinedatamat(:,n))) = median1(1,n) ;
What i get is the first column of combinedatamat being replaced with the last columns of median1 while the rest of the columns in combinedatamat still contain NAN, can i know what is the error here ? thanks in advance

Best Answer

A simple vectorised way of achieving what you want:
median1 = repmat(nanmean(combinedatamat), size(combinedatamat, 1), 1);
combinedatamat(isnan(combinedatamat)) = median1(isnan(combinedatamat))