MATLAB: Error using ‘omitnan’

MATLABnanmeanomitnanprogrammingStatistics and Machine Learning Toolbox

Hi MATLAB community,
I wrote a code for identify 999999 to substitute to NaN, my purpose is replace NaN to mean of column data,
I tried follow code:
[l,c]=size(matrix) % size (324,25)
for w=1:c
for q = 1:l
if matrix(q,w)==999999
matrix(q,w) =NaN;
matrix(isnan(matrix))= mean(matrix(:,w),'omitnan'); % in the case NaN is present in column 21, it will substitute the element for mean of all element in column 21
Could help me?

Best Answer

Check out nanmean() in the stats & machine learning toolbox.
An alternative that doesn't require any toolboxes:
nanidx = isnan(matrix(:,w));
Update following comments below
To compute the mean of each column of a matrix while ignoring a key value (999999),
% Create fake data
key = 999999;
matrix = magic(10);
matrix(randi(100,1,10)) = key;
% Identify the columns that contain at least one 999999
isKey = matrix == key;
colIdx = any(isKey,1);
% Count the number of rows per column that are not 999999
rowCount = sum(~isKey);
% Temporarily replace 999999 with 0 and calculate the column means
matrixTemp = matrix .* ~isKey;
colMean = sum(matrixTemp)./rowCount;
% The 2nd block above can be reduced to
% isKey = matrix == key;
% colMean = sum(matrix .* ~isKey)./ sum(~isKey);