MATLAB: Replace pixels in a matrix without using histeq

digital image processinghisteqhistogram equalizationimage processingintlutlookup table

I have a greyscale image that is 291 x 240. I have been tasked with performing histogram equalization but WITHOUT using histeq. We have been told to use a nested for loop to access each pixel individually (yes, I KNOW that this is not ideal) and replace each value by a lookup table value, T. T is an array of 256 values in the range 0 – 255.
Here is the loop , but apparently the code in the loop does not produce the correct answer. Can anyone please suggest how else I apply T to the pixel I want to transform.
for i = 1:1:r %go through rows
for j = 1:1:c %columns
img_heq(i, j) = intlut(img (i,j), uint8(T));

Best Answer

for i = 1:1:r %go through rows
for j = 1:1:c %columns
img_heq(i, j) = T(img(i,j) + 1);