MATLAB: How to make an image take different RGB values

arraysdigital image processingimage processingMATLAB

I have an image with NxMx3 uint8 colors but I want the colors of the image to be replaced with another array of 256×3(Each column corresponds to R,G,B values) colors. How can I map the values from the array to the image?
I was advised that I need to split the 3 channels and then map them independently

Best Answer

LUT = randi([0, 255], 256, 3, 'uint8'); % The look up table
Img = randi([0, 255], 640, 480, 3, 'uint8'); % The image
NewImg = cat(3, LUT(Img(:, :, 1) + 1, 1), ...
LUT(Img(:, :, 2) + 1, 2), ... % [EDITED, 3 ==> 2]
LUT(Img(:, :, 3) + 1, 3));
This replaces the original colors by the ones from the look up table by a simple indexing. See this example:
LUT = [2, 4, 8]
Img = [0, 1; 2, 1];
LUT(Img + 1)