MATLAB: Replace cell array based on condition

cell array

i have a problem in replacing cell array based on condition
if i have
A = {[1,1,2; 2,2,3];[1,3,4; 9,6,8];[1,2,5; 2,3,4];[1,1,4; 3,4,5]};
B = [2,2,2; 3,3,3];
then, the condition that apply is when A has a value more than 5 it should be replace with B
so, the result have to be like this
result = {[1,1,2; 2,2,3];[2,2,2; 3,3,3];[1,2,5; 2,3,4];[1,1,4; 3,4,5]};
is it possible to do that ?
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

Use cellfun:
tfReplace = cellfun(@(c) any(any(c>5)), A, 'UniformOutput', true);
A{tfReplace} = B;