MATLAB: Repacing a value by another


I have a matrix of 100×6 for ex let me take 6×6
[1 2 3 4 5 6
11 58 12 8 2 12
2 10 36 69 1 20
14 85 94 20 36 5
19 58 41 52 69 87
10 25 36 78 01 25]
now i want to replace the values as this,taking evry 2 elements in column wise as a pair,
for ex 1&11 must be replaced by a number 0.1
2 and 14 must be replaced by 0.2
19and 10 must be replaced by 0.3 (these for first column)
for 2nd column the values must be replaced is 2.0,2.1,2.2…..
please help

Best Answer

A =rand(100,6);
[i1,j1] = ndgrid( 1:ceil(size(A,1)/2),1:size(A,2));
i1(:,2:end) = i1(:,2:end) - 1;
j1(:,1) = j1(:,1) - 1;
i1 = i1./10.^(k);
out = reshape(permute(repmat(i1+j1,[1,1,2]),[2 3 1]),size(A,2),[])';