MATLAB: How to check ismember in a cell in Matlab


List={[5,2] [27,19] [13,8] [17,14] [3,13] [21,20] [6,16] [4,30] [1,13] [20,2] [14,27];
[5,2] [21,7] [29,6] [17,36] [35,12] [8,20] [35,8] [11,10] [35,23] [22,25] [9,32]};
B={[21 20]};
A=ismember(List{1,:}, B) % it will only check the row of the cell List.
result=[0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0]
is it possible?

Best Answer

>> List = {[4,5,2],[27,19],[13,8],[17,14],[3,13],[21,20],[6,16],[4,30],[1,13],[20,2],[14,27,2];[5,2],[21,7],[29,6],[17,36],[35,12],[8,20],[35,8],[11,10],[35,23],[22,25],[9,32]};
>> B = {[21,20]}; % why the superfluous cell array?
>> X = cellfun(@(m)isequal(m,B{1}),List(1,:))
X =
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0