MATLAB: Removing NaNs columns in matrices within cell array

cell array

I have a cell array X=1*12 and each cell has a matrix 30*9965. Some columns are all Nans(the others haven't any NaN values) . I want to extract the non Nan columns. For example ,the result should be something like X{1,1}=30*8500, X{1,2}=30*4563,X{1,3}=30*6742 etc.
I am trying this but it returnes only the matrices where there aren't any nan values.How do I have to change the code?
nonancellA = cellfun(@(m) m(~any(isnan(m), 2), :), X, 'UniformOutput', false)

Best Answer

nonancellA = cellfun(@(m) m(:,~any(isnan(m),1)), X, 'UniformOutput', false)