MATLAB: How to remove NAN from a cell inside a cell array

cell arrays

Each cell in the cell array contains a matrix, e.g.,
Suppose the cell array is
[8x1] cell
Inside which their are some matrix like
[6x2] double
[7x2] double
[6x2] double
[7x2] double
[6x2] double
[7x2] double
[6x2] double
[7x2] double
Now in each matrix their is a NAN value at the end. How to remove the NAN from each of the cell inside the cell array.

Best Answer

% make random data
A = cell(8,1) ;
for i = 1:8
A{i} = rand(7,2) ;
A{i}(8,:) = [NaN NaN] ;
%%remove nanas
for i = 1:8
A{i} = A{i}(~isnan(A{i}(:,1)),:) ;