MATLAB: I would like to replace NaN value (in 1 row and 306 columns ) instead of empty matrices inside a cell array of 6804 elements

nan valuerepeat nan inside a cell array

I had attached a screen shot of my cell array. I need to replace 1*306 double NaN values instead of empty [] cells. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you so much in advance.
I tried the following code:
c= 6804*1 cell
empties = cellfun('isempty',c);
c(empties) = {NaN};
But it just replace the empty cell with single NaN value

Best Answer

c = cell(5,1) ;
for i = [1 2 4]
c{i} = rand(1,3) ;
empties = cellfun('isempty',c);
c(empties) = {NaN(1,3)} ;