MATLAB: Remove specific rows from matrix

MATLABmatrixmatrix manipulation

I have two matrices shown below:
A =
0.2247 0.5845
0.4942 0.7303
0.5000 0.5000
0.6440 0.5408
0.6210 0.2230
0.6210 0.2230
0.2869 0.3921
1.0000 1.0000
B =
0.2247 0.5845
0.4942 0.7303
0.6440 0.5408
0.6210 0.2230
0.2869 0.3921
I would like to delete the rows in matrix A that match the rows from matrix B. How would I go about doing this?
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

If you're looking for exact matches use
However, with floating decimals it's likely that your variable values may differ slightly such as 0.28690123 vs 0.28690131. If you'd like that to be considered a match, use
To identify and remove the first match of B within A,
removeRowIdx = cell2mat(arrayfun(@(i) find(ismember(A,B(i,:),'rows'),1,'first'),(1:size(B,1))','UniformOutput',false));
A(removeRowIdx,:) = []