MATLAB: Remove or hide the special Y-axis label


I have generated some sample data. These are probabilities. My problem with the graphics is that 1.01 is displayed on the Y-axis. But there is no probability that is 1.01. Nevertheless I would like to have this free place. Because if the scaling only goes to 1, then the dots are right at the bottom of the graph, which does not look that good.
Here is my code example:
clear all
x = 2:1:7
y = [1 0.945312500000000 0.961318969726563 0.999182315543294 0.996585680786799 0.999999999320726]
axis([0 8 0.94 1.01])
grid on

Best Answer

Change your axis call to:
axis([0 8 0.94 1])
That should do what you want.