MATLAB: Relation between input data points and hyper parameters that needs to be tuned

Deep Learning Toolboxmachine learningneural networksStatistics and Machine Learning Toolbox

Hi All,
Can anyone please let me know the relationship between the number of input data points and the hyperparameters/number of layers that needs to be present in any machine learning model?
Thanks for your time and help

Best Answer

[ I N] = size(input)
[ O N ] = size(target)
Ntst = round(0.15*N)
Nval = Ntst
Ntrn = N-(Ntst+Nval)% ~ 0.7*N
% Design parameters
Ndes = Ntrn*O % No. of design equations ~ 0.7*N*O
H % No. of hidden nodes for I-H-O net
Nw = (I+1)*H+(H+1)*O % No. of unknown weights
Require Ndes >= Nw ==> H <= Hub = (Ntrn*O-O)/(I+O+1)
Desire Ndes >> Nw ==> H << Hub
My typical goal: Minimize H subject to the requirement
MSE < = 0.01*var(target',1) % Rsquare >= 0.99
My approach:
1. Apply the requirement to the training data
2. Loop over H to find the minimum H to satisfy the
I have hundreds of examples in the NEWSGROUP comp.soft-sys.matlab as well as ANSWERS.
Hope this helps
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