MATLAB: Nnstart and test ROC AUC

machine learningneural networknnstartpattern recognition

Hi all,
I'm doing a project now that requires training a large number of pattern recognizing neural nets. It's my first time using them, so I've been using a "simple script" generated from Matlab's neural network toolbox.
during training, I'm able to look at the ROC for the train, test, and validation sets. I'm wondering if it's possible to somehow extract only the test numeric ROC AUC from the neural network after it's final iteration of training.
Any help would be great!
Thanks, J

Best Answer

clear all, close all, clc, plt=0;
[ x, t ] = simpleclass_dataset;
[ I N ] = size(x) % [ 2 1000 ]
[ O N ] = size(t) % [ 4 1000 ]
Ntst = round(0.15*N) % 150 default

Nval = Ntst % 150 default
Ntrn = N-Nval-Ntst % 700 default
Ntrneq = prod(size(t)) % 4000 No. of training equations
% H = No. of hidden nodes ( I-H-O NN )
% Nw = (I+1)*H+(H+1)*O = No. of unknown weights
% NO OVERFITTING <==> Nw < Ntrneq
% NO OVERFITTING <==> H <= Hub (upperbound)
Hub = -1 + ceil( ( Ntrneq-O) / (I+O+1) ) % 570
% For a robust design desire Nw << Ntrneq. Therefore, if possible, choose H << Hub. The PATTERNNET default is H = 10. However, the smaller H, the more robust the design. Obtaining 110 designs ( 10 trials each for H = 0:10 shows that ANY OF THESE VALUES CAN YIELD EXCELLENT RESULTS PROVIDED THE RANDOM WEIGHT INITIALIZATION IS NOT TOO POOR. The complete result can be duplicated below by choosing Hmax = 10 with Ntrials = 10. However, the result below for Hmax = 0 with Ntrials = 4 is sufficient to illustrate the concept.
Hmin = 0
dH = 1
Hmax = 0
Ntrials = 4
rng(0) % Initialize RNG
for h = Hmin:dH:Hmax
if h==0
net = patternnet([]);;
Nw = (I+1)*O
Nw = (I+1)*h+(h+1)*O
for i = 1:Ntrials
s(i,j) = rng % Store state of RNG
net = configure(net,x,t);
[ net tr y ] = train(net,x,t);
tstind = tr.testInd;
ttst = t(:,tstind);
ytst = y(:,tstind);
title([ ' TEST SET CONFUSION MATRIX. TRIAL = ', num2str(10*(j-1)+i )] )
hold off
title([ ' TEST SET ROC. TRIAL = ', num2str(10*(j-1)+i )] )
hold off
toc % 7.3 sec
Hope this helps.
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