MATLAB: Relabel x axis tick marks


Sorry for what seems an easy question, but I have been searching and have not found the answer.
I want to relabel the data points on the x-axis. Currently the x-axis is axis([0.27 0.9 0 1]) and I want the values shown to range from 30 to 85 rather than 0.27 to 0.9. So where the graph currently had label 0.27 on the x axis, replace that with 30 and so on upto replacing 0.9 with 85.
axis([30 85 0 1]) obviously puts the axis out of range of the data. Hope that makes sense, thanks in advance,

Best Answer

set() the XTickLabel to whatever cell array of strings that you want.
It would be easier if there was a nice formula for determining the bounds. For example, .27 * (1000 / 9) gives 30, but .9 * (1000/9) gives 100 rather than the desired 85. There is a linear formula given those two bounds, but it is 87.3015873015873 * x + 6.42857142857143 which seems too ugly to be plausible.