MATLAB: Regexp usage for cellArray data which includes both characters and numbers.

cell array

cellArray =
'O2930202 465254.432 4066809.025'
'O2910008 499252.083 4042876.84'
'O2920014 494404.625 4047958.526'
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
cellArray 22x1 4236 cell
%when I want to extract first column of the cellArray, I use
out1 = regexp(cellArray,'(?<=^\s*)\d*','match')
out1 = cat(1,out1{:})
out1 = sprintf('%s\n', out1{:})
%but it doesn't work because there are characters with numbers. It only works if only numbers are exist.
%what kind of code I need to write for extracting first column in terms of both characters and numbers.

Best Answer

cellArray ={'O2930202 465254.432 4066809.025';
'O2910008 499252.083 4042876.84';
'O2920014 494404.625 4047958.526'}
out1 = regexp(cellArray,'(^[a-zA-Z]*)|((?<=^\w*)\d*)','match');
out = cat(1,out1{:});