MATLAB: Reflect about y-axis after certain point in x.

reflection about y axis

I'm trying to simulative tidal wave and reflect the wave about the x-axis after 1 quarter of a lunar cycle.
What I want is to mirror about the x-axis what i currently have after x = 7.3826475.
This is my coding for the first quarter and what it looks importing data from an excel spreadsheet to give a damped sinusoidal shape.
data=xlsread('Tidal Sites.xlsx');
x1=linspace(0., 7.3826475, 10000);
figure, plot(x1,y1), hold on

Best Answer

y2 = fliplr(y1);
x2 = x(end) + cumsum(mean(diff(x1)) * (1:length(x1)));
Note: the use of linspace for x does not actually give us enough information to construct as many more x values as already exist, only one fewer than that. linspace() is not equal interval, due to round-off considerations. The information that we can justify from the input values as a true reflection is
x2 = x(end) + cumsum(fliplr(diff(x)));
which will be one item shorter. The corresponding y is
y2 = fliplr(y1(1:end-1));
It depends on whether you want the last y to be duplicated or not. If the mirror is "at" the last value then the last should not be duplicated.