MATLAB: How to merge multiple graphs/vectors in one!


Dear All,
Code used:
figure; hold on;
plot(fliplr(x1), fliplr(y1), 'ro'); plot(x8, y8, 'rx');
plot(fliplr(x2), fliplr(y2), 'bo'); plot(fliplr(x6), fliplr(y6), 'b*');
plot(x3, y3, 'mo'); plot(x7, y7, 'mx');
plot(x4, y4, 'co'); plot(fliplr(x5), fliplr(y5), 'c*');
Note: 1. Some of the values are NaN, 2. some of coordinate are clashes with each other. I would like to combine all 8 graphs into one graph(2 arrays Xtotal and Ytotal), how can I do it?
I could use following code to find all unique values:
xall = [fliplr(x1) fliplr(x2) x3 x4 fliplr(x5) fliplr(x6) x7 x8];
[x, ~, xindices] = unique(xall);
yall = [fliplr(y1) fliplr(y2) y3 y4 fliplr(y5) fliplr(y6) y7 y8];
[y, ~, yindices] = unique(yall);
>> x<1x102 double> = [258 259 ... 353 NaN]
>> y<1x189 double> = [177 178 ... 306 NaN]
But I'm not sure how I can use it, and what to do next. Also I would like to keep all NaN in the same place, if possible.
Thanks in advance for any help,

Best Answer

To begin with, your data are apparently all row vectors, so I would concatenate them as cell arrays:
xall = {fliplr(x1); fliplr(x2); x3; x4; fliplr(x5); fliplr(x6); x7; x8};
yall = {fliplr(y1); fliplr(y2); y3; y4; fliplr(y5); fliplr(y6); y7; y8};
hold on
for k1 = 1:size(xall,1)
plot(xall{k1}, yall{k1}, 'x')
hold off
I would not bother with unique, since the points will simply overplot each other, since you’re plotting them as discrete points and not as lines. In R2014b, the colours will cycle automatically. Otherwise, you will have to cycle through the colours yourself, but that is not difficult.