MATLAB: Reference index in equation


I am starting to write an .m file, and have the beginning code:
CapBasic = a0 + a1*T_evap(n) + a2*T_cond(n) + a3*T_evap(n)^2 + a4*T_evap(n)*T_cond(n) + a5*T_cond(n)^2 + a6*T_evap(n)^3 + a7*T_evap(n)^2*T_cond(n) + a8*T_evap(n)*T_cond(n)^2 + a9*T_cond(n)^3 ;
The variables T_evap and T_cond are actually an n x 1 vector, columns of data imported from Excel, with n being some very large number.
Also, I already defined the constants a0 to a9.
How can I create this new vector CapBasic since I receive the error:
"??? Undefined function or variable 'n'.
Error in ==> MTZ22JC4A_Sub at 4 CapBasic = a0 + a1*T_evap(n) + a2*T_cond(n) + a3*T_evap(n)^2 + a4*T_evap(n)*T_cond(n) + a5*T_cond(n)^2 + a6*T_evap(n)^3 + a7*T_evap(n)^2*T_cond(n) + a8*T_evap(n)*T_cond(n)^2 + a9*T_cond(n)^3 ;"
I tried to look up indices in the help but it is too confusing to figure out.

Best Answer

The message is clear. Your variable "n" is not defined. If you meant vectorization, it should be:
CapBasic = a0 + a1*T_evap + a2*T_cond + a3*T_evap.^2 + a4*T_evap.*T_cond + a5*T_cond.^2 + a6*T_evap.^3 + a7*T_evap.^2.*T_cond + a8*T_evap.*T_cond.^2 + a9*T_cond.^3