MATLAB: What does “~” mean in symbolic expression

pretty()symbolicSymbolic Math Toolbox

After I made my computation with symbolic math toolbox, I get a quite long formula. So by using command "pretty", I get a prettyprinted formula, which is the thing I like most about this toolbox. However there is something I don't get it.
[//a1~ %4 b1~ %3\ / a1~ %3 b1~ %2\ \

[||------ - ------| a1~ + |- ------ + ------| b1~| y1
[\\ %1 %1 / \ %1 %1 / /

[ p1~
//a1~ %4 b1~ %3\ / a1~ %3 b1~ %2\ \
||------ - ------| a2~ + |- ------ + ------| b2~| y2
\\ %1 %1 / \ %1 %1 / /
+ ----------------------------------------------------
//a1~ %4 b1~ %3\ / a1~ %3 b1~ %2\ \ ]
||------ - ------| a3~ + |- ------ + ------| b3~| y3 ]
\\ %1 %1 / \ %1 %1 / / ]
+ ---------------------------------------------------- - y1]
p3~ ]
%1 := a1~ p3~ b2~ + a1~ p2~ b3~ + a2~ p3~ b1~ + a2~ p1~ b3~
2 2 2 2
+ a3~ p2~ b1~ + a3~ p1~ b2~ - 2 a1~ b1~ p3~ a2~ b2~
- 2 a1~ b1~ p2~ a3~ b3~ - 2 a2~ b2~ p1~ a3~ b3~
2 2 2
%2 := a1~ p2~ p3~ + a2~ p1~ p3~ + a3~ p1~ p2~
%3 := a1~ b1~ p2~ p3~ + a2~ b2~ p1~ p3~ + a3~ b3~ p1~ p2~
2 2 2
%4 := b1~ p2~ p3~ + b2~ p1~ p3~ + b3~ p1~ p2~
What does "~" stand for?

Best Answer

I do not know if it is used in MuPAD (it might be), but in Maple, the ~ immediately after a name indicates that the name has assumptions associated with it, usually assumptions added by the user. For example, an assumption that it is real, or integer valued, or in a particular range.