MATLAB: Do I receive the error ‘Signal 127’ when submitting to LSF

MATLAB Parallel Server

Why do I receive the following error when submitting a job to an LSF cluster from a Windows client:
bsub -H -J "Job1[1-31]" -o '/home/X0104/e1mschon/Matlab/Job1/Task%I.log' 'worker' : Signal 127
Error using parallel.internal.apishared.LsfUtils.callBsub (line 272)
Error executing the LSF script command 'bsub'. The reason given is Queue only accepts interactive jobs. Job not submitted.
Error in distcomp.lsfscheduler/pSubmitJob (line 74)
lsfID = LsfUtils.callBsub( submitString );
Error in distcomp.abstractjob/submit (line 48)
Error in MatlabTestRun (line 61)

Best Answer

This error presents itself because the default LSF queue only supports interactive type jobs.  
Because MDCS is a background batch type job, the LSF administrator needs to allow non-interactive jobs on the default queue, or they need to explicitly supply the correct arguments to tell LSF to run the job on a particular queue which allows batch workflows.
The SubmitArguments property of the LSF object are the arguments that pass directly to the bsub command that submits the job to LSF - it is here that the correct syntax for telling LSF which queue to use should be inserted.