MATLAB: Do I receive errors saying native MCR dlls such as libut.dll or libmx.dll are not found when I run an application created by the MATLAB Compiler 4.16 (R2011b)

applicationcompilererrorfatalfoundlibmx.dlllibut.dllMATLABMATLAB Compilermclmcrrtnot

I have compiled an application using MATLAB Compiler R2011b (4.16). When I run this application I receive an error about libmx.dll as in the following:
Fatal error loading library <path>\libmx.dll Error: the specified module could not be found.
where <path> specifies some directory path. This error can also occur with libut.dll and mclmcrrt7_16.dll.

Best Answer

This error may occur because a copy of the DLL in question resides somewhere on the system that is getting loaded before the expected version of of the DLL located in the MCR runtime directories.
The current application folder (where the executable is located) and OS system folders will be searched before the MCR runtime folder if they reside earlier on the system path. These usually contain the offending extra copy of the DLL.  Start by checking the path returned in the error message for the extra copy (it is likely but not necessary that the extra copy is located on this path).
To resolve this issue, make sure to remove any extra copies of the offending DLL files located on the machine.
The only correct versions of the MCR runtime DLLs should be in a subdirectory of the MCR installation, usually in the bin or runtime folders.