MATLAB: Is there a checklist to successfully deploy an application/ library on a system using MATLAB Compiler Runtime


I would like to know if there was any checklist for me to ensure that I have done all the necessary steps to deploy my application

Best Answer

MATLAB Deployment Checklist
Use this checklist to successfully deploy your application, component,
or library.
You can distribute a MATLAB Compiler-generated standalone application,
component, or library to any target machine with the same operating
system as the machine on which the application was compiled
(the "source" development machine).
For more information, see the documentation for the MATLAB Compiler at:
1. Ensure that the MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) is installed on target
machines, and ensure you have installed the correct version. To verify
this, do the following:
A. Attempt to verify the MCR exists on your system.
The MCR usually resides in these locations on these platforms:
Operating System Path to MCR
================ ===========
Windows C:\Program Files\MATLAB\MATLAB Compiler Runtime\v78
Mac Applications/MATLAB/MATLAB_Compiler_Runtime/v78
Linux/Solaris *** No predetermined installation location ***
Contact your system administrator.
NOTE: For information about the installation process and the MCR,
type "help MCR" or "help mcrinstaller" at the MATLAB
command prompt.
2. Add the MCR directory to the path specified by the target system's
environment variable.
A. Locate the name of the environment variable to set, using the table
Operating System Environment Variable
================ ====================
Windows PATH
B. Set the path by doing one of the following:
On Windows systems:
* Add the MCR directory to the environment variable by opening a
command prompt and issuing the DOS command, specifying either
win32 or win64:
set PATH=C:\Program Files\MATLAB\MATLAB Compiler Runtime\v78\runtime\{win32|win64};%PATH%
Alternately, for Windows, add the following pathname:
C:\Program Files\MATLAB\MATLAB Compiler Runtime\v78\runtime\{win32|win64}
to the PATH environment variable, specifying either win32 or win64,
by doing the following:
1. Select the My Computer icon on your desktop.
2. Right-click the icon and select Properties from the menu.
3. Select the Advanced tab.
4. Click Environment Variables.
On UNIX systems:
* Add the MCR directory to the environment variable by issuing
the following commands:
setenv XAPPLRESDIR <mcr_root>/v78/X11/app-defaults
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/lib/lwp:
setenv XAPPLRESDIR <mcr_root>/v78/X11/app-defaults
Linux x86-64
setenv XAPPLRESDIR <mcr_root>/v78/X11/app-defaults
setenv XAPPLRESDIR <mcr_root>/version/X11/app-defaults