MATLAB: Do I receive a WinZip, ZIP damaged error when unzipping the MATLAB installer

After downloading the MATLAB installer, I attempt to unzip it and run the installation, but I receive a "Zip damaged" error message and am unable to proceed.
The error message also references "Bad CRC" and that there was a possible file transfer error.  
"Bad CRC 5095867a (should be 5b6408b2). Possible cause: file transfer error."

Best Answer

This error is caused by when the downloaded files are corrupt or incomplete. You may be able to resolve this issue simply by redownloading the installer. However, security software is frequently a cause of this error.
If you have security software running on your machine, please disable your security software or make an exception for files coming from the MathWorks website. If you are not sure how to do this, your IT department will be able to assist you.
If you are running the installer from a remote network location such as a mapped network drive, you may need to first copy the installer to your local system before launching it.