MATLAB: Do I receive a License Manager Error -4 in Polyspace

Polyspace Bug Finder

Why do I receive a License Manager Error -4 when running a job in Polyspace Bug Finder, either locally or on a remote Code Prover server?

Best Answer

This error indicates that the Polyspace Bug Finder seat included on your license is currently in use. Polyspace licenses have multiple dependencies which are included with the license. Typical Polyspace licenses look like this:
Polyspace Bug Finder Client license (Designated Computer):
MATLAB (dependency)
Parallel Computing Toolbox (dependency)
Polyspace Bug Finder
Polyspace Code Prover Server license (Network Concurrent):
MATLAB Parallel Server (dependency)
Polyspace Bug Finder (dependency)
Polyspace Code Prover
This error most commonly occurs with Polyspace because the seat of Bug Finder provided with the Polyspace Server license is in use when it shouldn't be. There are two ways this can happen:
Using the Polyspace Bug Finder seat provided with the Polyspace Code Prover license on the client machine
Polyspace Code Prover licenses contain a seat of Polyspace Bug Finder as Code Prover is dependent on Bug Finder. The seat of Bug Finder on your Code Prover license is not for use on the client machine: it is for use on the server machine where it will be checked out, along with the Code Prover seat, any time a job is submitted.
To resolve this issue, make sure that the machine you are submitting jobs from is activated to a dedicated Bug Finder license. This will usually take the form of a Bug Finder Client license, like the one described above.
Running Polyspace Code Prover on the client machine
Similarly, your Polyspace Bug Finder seat may be in use because you have launched Polyspace Code Prover on the client machine. When you launch Code Prover on the client machine, it will check out the Bug Finder seat even though Code Prover will not allow you to submit a job due to a lack of a Code Prover seat. In this scenario you will also see License Manager Error -5 in the Code Prover window if you attempt to submit a job.
To resolve this issue, exit Code Prover on the client machine.
NOTE: Starting in R2019a the following name changes occurred:
  • MATLAB Distributed Computing Server was renamed to MATLAB Parallel Server
  • mdce_def was renamed to mjs_def
  • mdce binary was renamed to mjs