MATLAB: Do I see License Manager Error -18 when launching Polyspace Code Prover on the Polyspace server


I am using a standard Polyspace Code Prover license intended for server use. The license contains seats for Polyspace Bug Finder, Polyspace Code Prover, and MATLAB Parallel Server. However, when I attempt to launch Polyspace Code Prover on a machine using this license, I see the following error:
License checkout failed. License server does not support this FEATURE. License Manager Error -18
What does this error mean and how can I use Polyspace Code Prover?

Best Answer

Every Polyspace license contains either a MATLAB seat or a MATLAB Parallel Server seat. This seat determines whether or not the Polyspace seats on your license can be used through the Polyspace applications or as part of a compute cluster.
A Polyspace license that contains these products is for use through the Polyspace applications:
  • Polyspace Bug Finder
  • Polyspace Code Prover
On the other hand, a Polyspace license that contains these products is for use on a Polyspace compute cluster:
  • Polyspace Bug Finder
  • Polyspace Code Prover
  • MATLAB Parallel Server
A Polyspace Code Prover license with this product configuration is intended for headless server usage only, not the Polyspace application. In order to launch the Polyspace client software, the license must also contain a seat of MATLAB. Launching Polyspace using a license that has MATLAB Parallel Server instead of MATLAB will result in this error.
To resolve the issue, activate a Polyspace license with a MATLAB seat on the machine in question. You need to do this even if the machine in question is part of the Polyspace compute cluster if you want to be able to submit jobs to the cluster from one of the machines in the cluster.