MATLAB: Rebuilding a user-interactive element when redrawing axes in GUI


Hello All,
I am currently building up a functionality in a Matlab GUI whereby the user can change the plot displayed on the screen (via a pop-up menu…. this isn't the issue FYI!) and move a vertical line across the plot with the mouse (the x-data is returned from the position of this line). I have no issues creating this mouse-interactive line when the GUI is first generated, but cannot "re-generate" the user-interactive line once the user selects a different dataset from the drop-down menu.
I establish the user-interactive line using the following code in the opening function of the GUI:
handles.yline1 = line([x_start x_start], [y_min,y_max],'ButtonDownFcn',@(hObject,eventdata)postprocessingtry1('startdrag1_Fcn',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject)));
function startdrag1_Fcn(hObject, eventdata, handles) set(handles.figure2,'WindowButtonMotionFcn',@(hObject,eventdata)postprocessingtry1('dragging1_Fcn',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject)));
and "dragging1_Fcn" is the function that returns the x-position.
The error occurs once I try to use the same "handles.yline1 = …" declaration within the popupmenu callback function:
Error using handle.handle/set Invalid or deleted object.
Error in postprocessingtry1>dragging1_Fcn (line 341)
set(handles.yline1,'XData',pt.CurrentPoint(1,1)*[1 1]);
Any advice as to how I can regenerate the user-interactive line after selecting and plotting a new dataset (via the pop-up menu) would be IMMENSELY appreciated.
Thank you for your time, Colin Waldo

Best Answer

Colin - without seeing more code, especially with respect to what the popup menu is doing, it is somewhat difficult to offer solutions. But since you say that ..plotting a new dataset (via the pop-up menu).. this seems to suggest that you are using (perhaps) plot to plot something new on the axes. For example, the following
x = -2*pi:0.0001:2*pi;
y = sin(x);
hCurve = plot(gca,x,y);
hLine = line([0 0],[-1 1],'Color','r');
draws a vertical red line in the middle of the sine wave. Now if I plot some new data (similar to your user selecting something from the popup menu), then
hCurve = plot(gca,x,y+1);
my red line disappears from the axes as the new curve is drawn. If I try to get the properties of the line object via
I get the same error as you observed for set
Error using handle.handle/get
Invalid or deleted object.
Because I have drawn something new on the axes (the modified curve), then all or (almost) child elements of the axes are cleared. So hLine (or your, handles.line1) becomes invalid.
I think that you can do one of two things - either re-create the line object in your popup menu callback as
hFig = handles.figure1;
handles.yline1 = line([x_start x_start], [y_min,y_max],'ButtonDownFcn',...
@(hFig,eventdata)postprocessingtry1('startdrag1_Fcn', ...
Note how the above uses the handle to the figure (assumes the figure is named figure1).
Or, you issue a hold on command for the axes, and then just reset the data on your axes. So in your OpeningFcn you would do something like
And then just reset the XData and YData* whenever you go to plot new data (again, without knowing exactly what you are doing, I can only guess). In my example, this would become
x = -2*pi:0.0001:2*pi;
y = sin(x);
hCurve = plot(gca,x,y);
hLine = line([0 0],[-1 1],'Color','r');
Then modify the current plot
set(hLine,'XData',[-2*pi -2*pi],'YData',[0 2]);
The above two lines redraws the curve data given the new YData, and then redraws the line to be at -2pi.