MATLAB: Really need help on this question!!!! I want to calculate the sum of all odd number, where do I do wrong

'index exceeds matrix dimensions' error

clear all, close all, clc, format compact, format long g
A=[12 2 33 15 66;
40 54 79 14 14;
88 2 54 30 47;
37 85 92 14 48;
55 19 88 62 37;
33 12 23 17 25;
75 59 40 26 24;
9 20 44 85 88;
45 57 36 25 49;
92 62 46 88 58];
for m=1:length(A);
for n=1:length(A);
if rem(A(m,n),1)==0

Best Answer

A=[12 2 33 15 66;
40 54 79 14 14;
88 2 54 30 47;
37 85 92 14 48;
55 19 88 62 37;
33 12 23 17 25;
75 59 40 26 24;
9 20 44 85 88;
45 57 36 25 49;
92 62 46 88 58];
out = sum(A(rem(A,2)~=0));