MATLAB: Reading sequence of JPEG images from current directory

image processingmultiple files

I want to read JPEG images from current directory. Images are named sequentially like image000, image001 and so on. I gave it a try and ended up with following working code:
clc; clear;
str = '1820'; filename = 'image1820';
X11 = zeros(27648,150);
for i = 1:150
% read, convert to grayscale and resize the image
jpegimg = imread(filename,'jpeg');
img2d = rgb2gray(jpegimg); img2d = imresize(img2d,[144 192]);
% store image in an array
X11(:,i) = img2d(:);
% update string 'str'
str = str2double(str) + 1; str = num2str(str);
noofzeros = 4 - length(str); zerostr = '';
for j = 1:noofzeros
zerostr = strcat(zerostr,'0');
str = strcat(zerostr,str);
% update filename to be the next file in the folder
filename = strcat('image',str);
But this code look very crude. I believe there is more elegant and perhaps faster way of doing this. Can you please tell me that 'more elegant and faster' way?
I could have done this in the following way, but 'dir' doesn't seem to work with JPEG images:
fileFolder = fullfile('D:','My Documents');
dirOutput = dir(fullfile(fileFolder,'image*','jpeg'));
fileNames = {}';
numFrames = numel(fileNames);
I = imread(fileNames{1});
% Preallocate the array
sequence = zeros([size(I) numFrames],class(I));
sequence(:,:,1) = I;
% Create image sequence array
for p = 2:numFrames
sequence(:,:,p) = imread(fileNames{p});
I get the following error when i run this code:
??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Error in ==> image_to_vector at 18
I = imread(fileNames{1});
which is due to the fact that 'dirOutput' is an empty structure:
>> dirOutput
dirOutput =
0x1 struct array with fields:

Best Answer

Together with:
filename = sprintf('image%03d.jpeg', K);