MATLAB: Converting Multiple Dicom Images into Jpeg


Im trying to convert multiple Dicom Files into Jpeg files instead of doing it manually. Most of the Dicom files I have are labeled with numbers such as '000001, 0000002…. and so on' without the .dcm ( for example pdf files has a .pdf).
input = '/Users/brianngo/Desktop/CT-imaging/';
output = '/Users/brianngo/Desktop/CT-imaging-Jpeg/';
filePattern = fullfile(input, '\d');
FileList = dir(filePattern);
N = size(FileList,1);
for k = 1:N
filename = FileList(k).name;
if (~any(filename == '.'))
X = dicomread([input, filename]);
out_filename = [filename, '.', 'jpg'];
imwrite(X, [outdir, out_filename]);

Best Answer

input = '/Users/brianngo/Desktop/CT-imaging/';
output = '/Users/brianngo/Desktop/CT-imaging-Jpeg/';
ext = '.png'
FileList = dir(filePattern);
filenames = {};
filenames = filenames(cellfun(@isempty,strfind({filenames '.'))));
N = length(filenames);
for k = 1 : N
filename = filenames{k};
X = dicomread(fullfile(input, filename));
imwrite(X, fullfile(output, [filename ext]));
Note that if you do this, then you should not process the .jpg files for anything other than display to the user. The jpg compression process creates artifacts that make automated processing more difficult. We recommend that you use png instead of jpg if you are doing analysis.