MATLAB: Reading a text file


Hey everyone!
I have a question regarding textscan[]; command.
I have a file and I want to read it, but somehow I can't get it to read the I want to. The file looks like this :
CsF 33 734824
Al 22 734824
NaCl 77 734824
This is a mere sample and it updates now and then but that's not important. I want it to read in a way that each cell has an information about change. The change consists of element, mass and MatLab date number. So in this case a cell array would be "CsF 33 734824" or {3×1}. I have only been able to read it nicely, but the problem is that all three informations get put into one cell.
So I have whitespace and newline separators.
fid = fopen('Spojine.txt');
R = textscan(fid, '%s', 'delimiter', '\n');
If someone would be nice enough to assist my code, that would be lovely! 🙂

Best Answer

I recommend Jan's approach because it puts string into sting and numerical to numerical. But if you want it, you can use reshape().
fid = fopen('test.txt');
R = textscan(fid, '%s');