MATLAB: From a txt file read the 4 line

MATLABread from filetextscantxt file

Sorry for this basic question, for a txt file i need to read only the 4 line, so i skip the 3 noes above
txt file
Position 1: Level 1
Position 2: Level 1
Position 1: Level 2
Position 2: Level 2
My script
fid = fopen('My.txt','r');
C = textscan(fid, '%s', 'HeaderLines', 3)
I need to got only
Position 2: Level 2

Best Answer

fid = fopen('My.txt','r');
C = textscan(fid, '%s', 'HeaderLines', 3, 'WhiteSpace', '', 'Delimiter', '\n');
line4 = C{1}{1};