MATLAB: Readcell command doesn’t work anymore!


Hi all,
I have a matlab code that reads data from an excel sheet using the readcell function.
I have a data starting in cell B3 to Bx (x can be different).
So I used the following finction to get these data
x1 = readcell("model","sheet","sheet name","Range",'B3:B3');
This function used to give me the needed results (all non empty cells in col B starting from B3). However, I just tried to run my code again today and I was chocked that this command doesn't work anymore!!! error !!!
any idea? please help me!
Thanks in advance,

Best Answer

This only reads one cell:
There is nothing in your code that reads "all non empty cells in col B starting from B3" as you write. It just reads B3.