MATLAB: Read .txt Files in Looping

looptext filetextscan

I am working in a observation and the data is saved in .txt. I have 111 folders which each of them consists of 816 .txt files and this is how the data looks like.
And this is the script I created to read all files in a folder.
dir_in = 'D:\DATA 1\Materi & Tugas Kuliah\Tugas Akhir\c2\a\c020_out\';
files = dir([dir_in, '\*.txt']);
filename = (;
fid = fopen(filename, 'rt');
c = textscan(fid,'%s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s');
lat = c{4};
lon = c{5};
SSH = c{16};
SLA = c{17};
MJD = c{3};
YYF = c{19};
But everytime I run the script, the data does not appear. Textscan on variable 'c' reads the first line of the files ONLY, which is the header line, either using 'headerlines' option or not. I guess something wrong goes in that 'fid', but I am not really sure.
I hope someone can help me out. Thank you!

Best Answer

filenames = fullfile(dir_in, {});
numfiles = length(filenames);
lat = cell(numfiles,1);
lon = cell(numfiles,1);
SSH = cell(numfiles,1);
SLA = cell(numfiles,1);
MJD = cell(numfiles,1);
YYF = cell(numfiles,1);
numfields = 19; %adjust as needed
for K = 1 : numfiles
fid = fopen(filenames{K}, 'rt');
c = textscan(fid, repmat('%f', 1, numfields), 'Headerlines', 1);
lat{K} = c{4};
lon{K} = c{5};
SSH{K} = c{16};
SLA{K} = c{17};
MJD{K} = c{3};
YYF{K} = C{19};